1.0 Introduction childrens rights and entitlements May 2023

01.21 Terrorist threat attack and lock-down 2023

1.0 Safeguarding Children

1.1 Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults May 2023

1.2 Responding to safeguarding allegations May 2023

1.3 Low level concerns and allegations of serious harm or abuse against staff, volunteers or agency staff May 2023

1.4 Visitor or intruder on the premises May 2023

1.5 Uncollected Child May 2023

1.6 Missing Child May 2023

1.7 Incapacitated parents May 2023

1.8 Death of a Child on Site May 2023

1.9 Looked after children May 2023

1.10 E Safety May 2023

2.0 Health and Safety

2.1 Health and safety policy

2.2 Maintaining Childrens safety and security

2.3 Risk assessment

2.4 staff personal safety

2.5 Threats and abuse towards staff and Volunteers

2.6 Notifiable incident, non child protection

2.7 Fire safety and emergency evacuation

2.8 No smoking

3.0 Food

3.1 Food and Drink

3.2 Food Hygine

4.0 Health

4.1 First Aid

4.2 Administering medicine

4.3 Managing children who are sick, infectious, or with allergies

4.4 Oral Health

4.5 Nappy changing

5.0 Promoting Positive Behaviour

5.1 Promoting positive behaviour

6.0 Inclusion, Equality and Diversity

6.1 promoting inclusion , equality and valuing diversity

6.2 Identification, assessment and support for children with SEND

7.0 Staff

7.1 Employment

7.2 Student placement

7.4 Staffing (group provision) 2023

7.3 induction of employees and volunteers -

7.5 The role of the key person

8.0 Record Keeping and Information

8.1 Record keeping policy

8.2 Children records and data protection 8.3 Privacy notice

8.4 Confidentiality record and sharing information

8.5 Client access to records

8.6 Transfer of records -

9.0 Early years practice

9.1 Early years practice policy

9.2 Admissions

9.3 settling in policy

9.4 Nappy changing

9.5 Transition to school

10.0 Working in Partnership

10.1 working in partnership with parents and other agencies

10.2 Complaints

11 Administration

11.1 reserves funds

11.2 Fees payment and non payment

11.3 Money handling

11.4 Attendance of children whose parents are employed by pre-school

11.5 Late collection of child

11.6 past members of staff and committee involvement

11.7 Nursery funding and attendance