Sunnybank Preschool Is Sun Protection Accredited

Click on the links below for the OK outdoor kids code and the Certificate





Tooth Brushing


Sunnybank pre-school follow’s the Cute Fruit dental health award by working with the LA oral health team. This is to promote and meet children’s oral health needs through a variety of methods and advice to support our families. Promoting good oral health is also part of the EYFS. We do this in many ways by talking to the children about regular teeth brushing, not eating too many sweets and sugary foods, whilst also following the Cute Fruit programme. You can support this at home by cleaning your child’s teeth twice a day, visiting a dentist and providing healthy options in their lunch box. Encouraging your child to drink from a cup or age-appropriate drinks container and limiting the use of dummies.

Further information can be found at: 

A Healthy Plate


Early Years chocking hazards food safety advice


Potty Training

Please find below a link on potty training advice for your child. This website has great advice and ideas around potty training.
When potty training your child, please provide preschool with plenty of spare clothing, underwear and socks. It is also a good idea to provide a spare pair of shoes as accidents do happen.

If you require any further help or want to discuss it further, please speak to a member of staff either in person at drop off or pick up or via tapestry. 


Help and Guidance on illness in children.

Please follow the link to view the public health agencies guidance on infection control which preschool follows.,practice%2C%20particularly%20handwashing%2C%20and%20maintaining%20a%20clean%20environment. 

Please note that preschool policy asks for children to be absent for 48 hours for conjunctivitis due to it being so contagious, when antibiotics have been prescribed to ensure there is no reaction to the medication and after sickness or diarrhoea. If your child has had Calpol (or any other paracetamol) they must not attend preschool for 24 hours as this can mask temperatures and other serious illnesses.

We follow the public health advice on 'catch it, kill it, bin it', good handwashing routines and well-ventilated rooms whilst at preschool so please dress your child in several layers during the winter months as we will have the windows open at all times.

If you require any further information, please contact preschool staff are available at any time throughout the day to speak to you.



Whilst at preschool your child will be encouraged to participate in a variety of different activities promoting their health and wellbeing. Staff lead yoga and mindfulness activities and small group times with 'Bob'. Bob is used to develop children's speaking listening and turn taking skills and improve emotional wellbeing by encouraging them to explore their thoughts, feelings and emotions.